There are many aspects that make up who one is. No single trait can fully describe them. As with hobbies and interests, they are all a piece of who the individual is. To date I can count five or six dominating hobbies I've been dedicated to with much single minded passion.
The current interest for the past four years has been with a single item. A 1987 Nissan S12, also known as a Nissan Silvia, Gazelle, 200SX, and 180ZX. I have named it several things as each stage evolved and grew into its own. To date, it is very possibly the single coolest thing I've accomplished and yet probably the greatest financial folly. Despite that, the best things and higher valued possessions always seem to take some extra effort.
It goes by the name of Project S12/26. It is my momentary hegemony into the world. I have met many people around the US and the world through this project. I've learned a lot about people, the world, and the obvious cars. I have made friends whom I more than likely would never have had the chance to know in any other fashion. I shall not bore with endless posts of an entire build or technical details.
But for some links containing information, there are a couple: - Under Project S12/26 CarDomain - Pre-Project S12/26
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