21 February, 2011

Always Busy

Ever busy, I have neglected my personal blog in lieu of S12Silvia.com's blog.  Not having much time remaining after work, school, and homework, all that I have left has been a serious effort to either not fall asleep or simply stare at the TV whilst Netflix is on.  Then on the days off I have had every so often and the weather being quite lenient as of late, I am out during the day driving the S12 enjoying every moment of it.  While out yesterday I had  an opportunity that at one time would have been unique but has since become more common in the past couple of years.  As my Facebook status said:

"There's nothing like blowing by a Smart car in a proper petrol-based car: An S12 that has an appetite for petrol and a love affair with a pair of turbos."

Not surprisingly, I received much interested from my fellow petrol heads and an informative explanation as to why current day Hybrids/EVs, for example the Prius, isn't as environment friendly as they seem.  My only regret was driving solo and not getting a picture or a video of my 'fly-by', not that they appreciated it much.

About S12Silvia.com though, it has been a success.  With eight blogs posted in January alone including coverage of Nikolay Konstantinov at Irwindale and Vaughn Gittin Jr, the site has garnered much interest as of late, gained praise, and has been linked to from other sites - even from Jr's blog.  As was mentioned in the previous blog post, S12Silvia.com keeps me very much busy.  As a moderator and committed content supplier, it is pretty relevant to much of Internet activity as of late.  Please forgive the inability to read the text, but due to the fact that it details current blogs in progress, planned blogs, and blogs in research, it can be considered proprietary information for the site.

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